
Archive for January, 2009

Christmas Lists

I found these while cleaning my study.


1. Remote controlled helicopter for an army with a door that can open and little men so they can jump out

2. Legos: life boats, rescue helicopter, police set and airport with fork lifts for the luggage

3. A castle book about guards and what they did and how they keep clean and how they put their armor on


1. Beautiful fairy wings so I can fly

2. A princess dress

3.  A real crane so I could lift things up

4. A real pretend castle

5. To be Santa

6. I want to be an adult

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Of course we would have preferred spending Christmas with our families, but it ended up being nice.  Friends from Canada had us for Christmas Eve dinner and other friends invited us for Christmas Day lunch.  Lazlo and Liska got great gifts from the grandparents.  One of Lazlo’s gifts was a 1000-piece Lego set.  He spent 2 quiet days  assembling it.  Those who know Lazlo well will understand why I mention this, as he doesn’t sit still for much of anything, nor is he quiet.  Ever.

Princess Liska

Princess Liska

Lazlo in a lego trance

Lazlo in a lego trance

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Creche Holiday Show

Liska’s (Baptist) preschool had a holiday show for the parents.  Lazlo insisted on joining the show as well.  Perhaps he figured it would be ok since Liska didn’t know any of the songs either.  So they were angels together, both clueless.  I thought it was sweet, but Brad wanted to pull her from school after hearing “Twinkle Twinkle Precious Star, Jesus Loves You As You Are….”.


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Senior Party

Before they head off to kindergarten, each child at Lazlo’s kindy gets to have a “senior” party.   At the party Lazlo and two friends he picked got to sit at the front of the class and lead songs, next he got a pretend birthday cake and hat and then he and a friend passed out  potato chips.  Lazlo asked if Liska could sit at the front with his two friends (she was there with me) and then chose her to give out the chips with him.  To be fair, his 2 best friends happened to not be at school that day…but I still thought it was sweet he chose Liska to be his #1 helper.




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