
Archive for December, 2008


Lazlo’s kindy had a Christmas party, both kids picked out their party outfits.  They sang NZ versions of Christmas carols including the 12 days of Christmas in which some of the gifts were juicy fish heads and a pukeko in a ponga tree.

Ready for kindy Christmas party

Ready for kindy Christmas party

Lazlo worked  hard on this creation.   Those are toothpicks around the perimeter of the box, along with feathers, so it’s treacherous to put on and take off.  And the things he is holding are  medieval weapons.

2-headed monster

2-headed monster

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Mt. Taranaki

For my birthday I wanted to go on a family tramp, so we drove to Mt. Taranaki to hike.    It was beautiful.  Liska dubbed herself “tramper girl” and was climbing steps up to her waist.  We then drove to New Plymouth, a city we had not yet visited.  Brad claims he wanted to go to New Plymouth to take the kids to Pukekera Park but I’m pretty sure the real reason was the gourmet fish and chips shop he had read about in the Lonely Planet.

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